Swiss trip May and June 2005
Mike de Punte
Note: click on thumbnails for larger image
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3-first day
3-first day.jpg
4-from the upper balcony
4-from the upper balcony.jpg
5-patio looking north
5-patio looking north.jpg
6-patio looking south
6-patio looking south.jpg
7-the pergola
7-the pergola.jpg
8-The gang having our first dinner
8-The gang having our first dinner.jpg
90-The Morteratsch Glacier on the north side of the Bernina Pass.
90-The Morteratsch Glacier on the north side of the Bernina Pass..jpg
9a-Craig making a movie on the Landwasser Viaduct
9a-Craig making a movie on the Landwasser Viaduct.jpg
9b-On the train
9b-On the train.jpg
9c-A picnic in Saint Moritz
9c-A picnic in Saint Moritz.jpg
9d-Andrea and Olivia making a bouquet
9d-Andrea and Olivia making a bouquet.jpg
9e-On the hike down from Preda to Bergun
9e-On the hike down from Preda to Bergun.jpg
9f-On the ttrail
9f-On the ttrail.jpg
9g-Karyn and Deb relaxing
9g-Karyn and Deb relaxing.jpg
9h-karyn,Logan and Daivid on the Grischuna patio
9h-karyn,Logan and Daivid on the Grischuna patio.jpg